What 2017 has taught me

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I can't believe it is November already, time flies so fast. 2017 has been one of the happiest, the hardest and the best year to me. There are probably a lot of things that i learned, and i feel like 2017 is a transitional year, because i feel some (good & bad) changes in me and my life.

So, here's what i learned in 2017:

There was a day in 2017 where i got stressed because i just realized there is something wrong with my body. I got panic and cried. Believe me it was the most uncomfortable feeling in the world, when you notice something strange in your body and at the same time, you were so afraid to meet doctor, just because you were afraid to face the fact. 
But finally i visited the doctor, my body was shaking and i was so afraid. But thank you God, i got the good result, and everything is fine. Maybe this will a reminder for myself, to maintaining more what i eat, to workout more often, and to always take care good of it. 

2. Negative Mind Will Never Give You a Positive Life
In 2016, i was tend to be a pessimistic person, who has negative mindset and never really excited for whatever i'm done. But in 2017, i have new job and new environment which has bring a new excitement in my life. I remember back in the days in 2016, i just waiting to feel better without did anything, and in this year i finally realized that 'if you wanna live better, you have to think better'.

3. Procrastination is Tempting But Also Kills Your Life
This has been my bad habit, and i think it getting serious. 

4. Social Media is Exhausting, and We Should Take a Break From It
Have you ever realized that we spend so much time scrolling into someone's else life through instagram and feel anxious everytime we post new photo just because we scare is it the kind of photo everyone will love or not. After all the anxious nights, i proudly say that i have done the instagram detox for 2 weeks, and it feels sooo relieving, i didn't deactiveted my account, just installed it from my phone and realized there's so much things we can do instead of just staring at phone.

5. No Matter How Busy Your life is, Family Come First
Being and having adult life with so much things to do, sometimes makes me only focus with my plans and routines, sometimes we forget that when we growing up, our parents is getting old too. Every night i always say their name in my pray, hoping they will always in health condition and happy.

6. Falling in love with soul with People who Worth Melting for.
I think i had so many dating mistakes (and lesson) in 2017. After break up (with my 5 years relationship) i became someone who tend to disbelieve of love and got myself hard to falling in love to someone. So 2017 has been a rollercoaster to me. 
From chased the wrong one, idolizing someone who i never met, got close to guy from gym, the super hot rich guys that continuously broken my heart, playing hard to get, being too passive, being in 'almost relationship' several times, etc. 
Until i realized, after all the mess, i recognized someone who always there for me. Do you realize that (maybe) soulmates don’t always need to be someone who romantically you involved with. Maybe sometimes, your soulmate is your most trusted friend, that one person who knows you completely and without judgment. Your soulmate is your best friend who can complete your sentences and know what you’re feeling without you even saying anything.

7. Run to Clearing Your Mind
This year, i have new hobby to enjoying life; running. One of my friend invited me to join run club, although i'm not really good yet at it, but i found myself enjoying much. I looove the feeling after workout, how the sweat can give you positive mind and endorphines (hormones that make a person feel happy). Sometimes i run on sunday morning and do yoga.

8. You are What You Think, Fake it Until You Make it
It's okay to imitating confidence and set optimistic mindset until you get the highest point of things you want. I remembered back in the days in 2016 when i feel empty and didn't know what kind of person i wanted to be. So i got my turning point, i tried and took direction to the life path i always wanted.

9. Consistency is Key of Everything
I realized to achieve some high point in life, we have to be consistent. Well, noted to self. 

Well, time indeed flies so fast, and its funny when we looked back, everything is different. There are so much things that can happen in one year. Good or bad, happy or sad, depends to how we react to it. For me, in 2017 i learned so many life lesson and in 2018 i have to feed myself more, feeding my soul with more good books, music, amazing people with new perspectives and new places. Because why not.. 

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